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  • Writer's pictureKalin Wu

Disengaging Online Learning Experiecne: How it Affects Learner Engagement and Retention

It's no secret that online video learning has become increasingly popular in recent years. A growing number of institutions offer courses and programs entirely online, not to mention much more virtual training. While this trend has many advantages, it's essential to be aware of the potential pitfalls. One of the most significant is that ineffective online learning can decrease learner engagement and retention.

Challenges of Over-Reliance on Online Learning

  1. Lack of Engagement and Retention Without the direct interaction of a traditional classroom setting, learners can quickly feel disconnected from the material and their peers. This lack of engagement can lead to poor retention of information and, ultimately, a less successful learning experience.

  2. Lack of Adaptability to Different Learning Styles Different learners have different preferences for how they receive and process information. Some learners prefer visual aids, while others prefer auditory or kinesthetic learning. Some learners will be disadvantaged when only using video or virtual to present the learning content. Hence it can lead to frustration and disengagement with the material.

  3. Diminished Quality of Learning Experiences When learners are constantly required to watch lengthy video content or attend virtual training for an extended period, the quality of their learning experiences can suffer. When the content didn't edit according to their needs and preference, If they cannot focus, they may miss important details or fail to achieve the desired learning outcomes.

To engage and retain modern learners, L&D is essential to incorporate Learning Experience Design Strategies; Learning Experience Design is a Holistic, Interdisciplinary Approach to designing engaging and effective learning experiences tailored to the needs and prefer

ences of the target learner, which means putting the focus back on learners. These might include:

  1. Micro-learning: Makes sure the learning content is easy to absorb and understand without overwhelming learners with too much information at once.

  2. Instructional Storytelling: Using relatable and emotionally connected stories to create a learning story that is engaging and memorable.

  3. Project-based learning: This allows learners to interac

t with each other and apply what they're learning in a real-world context.

  1. Engaging Learning Content: Learning content needs to be relatable and create an emotional connection. The latest study on learning psychologies and adult learning theories was incorporated to ensure learning effectiveness.

  2. Edited and Customized Learning Content: Content needs to be edited and sequenced according to learners' needs and preferences; over-generalized content cannot meet the adult learning needs nowadays.

  3. Social Learning: It brings people together to share, communicate, and establish a learning culture.

The over-reliance on online video learning has the potential to have profound impacts on learner engagement and retention. While it may provide a convenient way for learners to access learning materials, there is an inherent risk of disengaging as their motivation decreases. To ensure better learner engagement and retention, Learning and Development professionals must balance and shift back the focus to their learners to ensure that students receive the best possible learning experience.

Let's talk to us if you need any ideas to plan or revamp your next learning project!

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