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  • Writer's pictureKalin Wu

Ignite your learner's aha moment through Micro-learning.

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

We’ll explore how microlearning can help ignite those Aha! Moments in your learners and keep them engaged throughout the entire learning journey. So get ready to discover the power of bite-sized learning and significantly impact your company's learning culture.

What is Microlearning

Microlearning is a learning approach that delivers content in small, digestible pieces. It's designed to help learners focus and retain information more effectively.

Microlearning can take many forms, but all share a common goal: to help learners process and remember information more efficiently. This makes microlearning an ideal tool for busy adults who want to learn new skills or knowledge but need more time for long-winded explanations.

Here are some common learning strategies for Microlearning

• Breaking down complex topics into manageable chunks

• Using short videos or animations to explain concepts clearly

• Offering quizzes and other interactive elements to check for understanding

• Scaffolding content so that it builds on the previous learning

Why does Microlearning work?

Microlearning utilises neuroscience by understanding how the brain learns and processes information. This can be used to create short, easy-to-digest content that learners will likely remember. On the one hand, it satisfied adult learners' needs and preferences in learning. On the other hand, it aligned with cognitive load theory and constructivism.

By using microlearning techniques, you can adjust your content and delivery to better suit their needs. This will help them retain more information and better understand the material.

To Ignite their Aha moment. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of microlearning:

1. Keep it short and sweet. Microlearning modules should be concise and to the point. The goal is for your learner to walk away with a critical understanding or takeaway and to feel safe from information overload.

2. Make it interactive. Learning should be active, not passive. By incorporating interactive elements into your microlearning modules, you can engage your learners and increase the likelihood that they will remember what they've learned.

3. Use visuals. Incorporating visuals into your microlearning modules can help learners process information more effectively and retain it for extended periods.

4. Repeat and review. Repetition is vital when it comes to learning new information. You can use microlearning modules as review tools for existing knowledge or as introduction lessons for new topics; either way, reviewing regularly will help embed the material in your learner's memory.

Examples of Popular Microlearning Strategies

Microlearning is a powerful instructional strategy that can help learners grasp new concepts quickly and effectively. There are many different ways to deliver microlearning content, and each has its benefits. Some popular microlearning strategies include:

1) Just-in-time learning: This approach delivers content to learners when needed, allowing them to learn new information in small, manageable chunks. Just-in-time learning is often used in online courses or workplace training programs. Product training is one of the most popular areas.

2) Spaced learning: This strategy spaced out content delivery over time, which has been shown to improve retention and recall of information. Spaced learning is an excellent option for learners who need to review material on a regular basis.

3) Gamification: This approach uses game-based elements to make learning fun and engaging. Gamification can be used in any microlearning program.

4) Micro lessons: These brief, focused lessons are typically delivered in video or audio format. Micro lessons are ideal for covering complex topics or if learners need frequent review. You can see how we help our business partners prepare for the ICF examination section.

These microlearning strategies can be used alone or with other approaches to create a practical learning experience. We had worked with a multi-brand retailer in the pandemic to design a learning solution for their front line to practice creating a learning experience blueprint for one of their crucial sales programs. Besides using micro-learning, we incorporate in-store activities for further learning reinforcement. Furthermore, aligning with their marketing team to ensure the learning is just in time, matching their needs for knowledge. The result is very effective and this really demonstrated the impact of microlearning.

As a learning refresher, an interactive story branching game is also a popular learning activity.

But don't just dive in without a clear understanding

Just as with any instructional method, there are advantages and disadvantages to using microlearning. Let’s take a closer look at some of the cons.

1. Limited Content Coverage: Because microlearning covers only small chunks of content, it can only deliver small amounts of information. If you need to teach your learners a lot of material, there may be better options than microlearning.

2. Requires More Time for Development: Creating quality microlearning modules takes longer than developing traditional eLearning courses. You need to carefully plan each code and design it in a way that promotes learning in short bursts. This extra development time may not be feasible for some organisations.

Moving Forward

Microlearning is an effective way to ignite learners' aha moments through bite-sized learning activities. It engages and motivates the learners with relatable content, personalised topics, and impressive visuals. This eLearning offers tangible results, develops knowledge retention, and enhances learner engagement for long-term success. We hope this article has provided insight into how microlearning can help drive higher performance in today's workplace environment.

If you would like to know more about whether Microlearning is suitable for your existing/ next learning Program, let's connect, and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

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