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  • Writer's pictureKalin Wu

Implement Microlearning to Enhance Employee Wellness Program in a Hybrid Working Setting

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

Work cultures have changed significantly recently, with many employees juggling office and home responsibilities. A well-rounded wellness program can boost morale, productivity, and job satisfaction. But for these programs to have a lasting impact, they need to be engaging, user-friendly, and in sync with the fast-paced lives of today's workforce.

However, traditional wellness programs adopt a one-size-fits-all approach without proper consideration of individual needs and preferences. They may focus solely on short-term goals like competition or challenge, which can be motivating initially, but ultimately do not lead to lasting behaviour change.

Microlearning Application to Wellness program in Hybrid Working

To address this challenge, employers must ensure that their wellness programs are accessible and inclusive for all employees, regardless of location. One way to overcome these challenges is to implement microlearning into your wellness program for hybrid working employees. Those bite-sized pieces of content can be easily consumed and applied to the workplace and they are surprisingly helpful for a modern wellness program which meets your employee needs and preference.

Business people meditating

When done correctly, microlearning can be an extremely effective way to engage employees in workplace wellness initiatives. Working with a local learning design studio can save a lot of time. Here are some strategies for Implementing and Measuring Microlearning Success

Focus on the needs and preferences of your employee.

In hybrid working, we are embracing digital tools for learning and development. With the rise of chats, video conferencing, and online resources, we are finding new ways to expand our knowledge and skills. By focusing on bite-sized wellness content, employees are able to achieve their well-being in a more personalised way.

Intuitive catalogue

It's important to keep in mind that microlearning can become overwhelming without proper organization. To help your employees easily access the content they need, consider creating an intuitive catalogue with easy-to-navigate categories and filtering tools. For first-time users, provide an orientation page or explainer during their initial visit. Additionally, for each program, include clear and actionable learning objectives to help learners understand the big picture.

Choose the right delivery format.

Microlearning is a great way to provide informative content to employees. You can use mobile learning, infographics, video tutorials, or simple articles. The best format depends on your goals. For example, instead of a long health talk, break it up into shorter modules. Employees can consume the content at their own pace. You can also combine more in-depth content with social learning to get more engagement. This creates a strong, lasting effect on your wellness program.

Balance the content

Excessive screen time is a known wellness issue for Hybrid working. To balance this out, we can leverage different forms of media and activity so that it is not always looking at their screen. For example, creating 5 minutes mini podcasts like guided meditation, breathing exercises, a "walk with me" session, a power nap session and stretching sequences, also provide them with outdoor options so that they can utilise the content in various situations.

Utilise existing content

Don't start from scratch - reuse existing content to save time and effort. You can edit past recordings to create new, concise material. This approach is cost-effective and efficient. To help with editing, look for a professional studio that focuses on learning. It is always a great option to work with them to revamp your existing content and edit them according to your requirement and objectives.

Internal Communication

Promoting your program internally is crucial to its success. Otherwise, it may end up like those employee assistant hotlines, which have low utilisation due to a lack of awareness. To avoid this, seek support from the management team, create incentives or competition during the launch, and consistently provide well-being information to attract attention and drive traffic to your Wellness Microlearning. You can create a logo or mascot to build internal branding around your wellness program.

Microlearning can assist employees in excelling in various areas.

In the age of hybrid work, employee well-being is crucial. Microlearning is a powerful tool to help employees stay connected to their work and maintain their well-being. By offering bite-sized content, microlearning aids engagement and understanding of company culture and values. Partnering with a learning design studio can save time on content editing, allowing focus on wellness initiatives.

Looking ahead, it's clear that employee well-being will remain a key concern for businesses. By incorporating microlearning into their workplace strategy, businesses can help ensure that their employees are supported in maintaining a healthy balance between work and life.

Please feel free to contact us for your learning project ideas.

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